Well, we’ve made a fine mess of it now. I understand that Donald Trump has just been elected by “disgruntled non-college graduate white men” to name a few. How sad for them and likewise us poor schmucks who went to college. It seems that being from the Rust Belt , not being real big on reading, learning and such and therefore generally ignorant on all topics, doesn’t invest one with the power to recognize bullshit.
The Rust-Belters wailed “We’re fed up with being ignored by government, we need good paying jobs in heavy industry, where they do not demand any education whatsoever, help us Mr. Trump!” And Mr. Trump, amidst various racial slurs, dubious pronouncements, and general disagreeableness on all topics (just like the ignorant Rust-Beltonians) says “Okie-Dokie Smokey!” as the crowd cheered. “That’s what I’m gonna do, exactly what you poor bastards just said, I guarantee it!,” Trump continued, and the crowd cheered even louder.
Who gave these idiots the vote? Isn’t there a form or something required to register. Surely something on the form must have been perplexing enough to these poor dumb-ass wayward Rust-Bastards to be left unfilled or filled out wrong thus denying them a Voter I.D. card?
I strongly suspect that proud graduates of the third or fourth grade just may not have the savvy required to make the subtle distinctions between a bald-faced lying charlatan/borderline psychopath, and a rational stateswoman as to the placement of a vote. Furthermore, I want to see a twitter comment with an attached selfie of each and every one of these assholes as they are about to die from starvation living the jobless vida loca in their smarmy Rust-Beltless abodes under the overpasses and bridges of the never-lush and never-verdant midwest.
One of the several hundred pieces I read right after the election had a quote from a poor stupid Trumpette stating (and I’m paraphrasing heavily) “I’m sure President Trump will staff his administration with the best and brightest people to help him achieve these goals,” just as the headline for the next article blared “Chris Christie, Rudolf Giuliani and Newt Gingrich” are sure to figure prominently in his transition team. God help us all.
I wholeheartedly advocate that there be a written test in the future.
Well said! They should have a test for drivers too every time they renew their license